WIGeo QGIS is a Cost-Efficient Geomarketing Software for Business Mapping

QGIS Software, Market Data, Digital Maps and Geo-Competence From a Single Source

QGIS is an open source GIS software with no license costs and a user base that is growing daily. With its WIGeo QGIS, WIGeoGIS offers investment security through professional expert and technical support as well as individual training courses. You receive innovative GIS software for your company.

With QGIS, you can easily create digital maps and visualize your data, edit spreadsheets and create layouts of your analyses to be included in your presentations. The desktop software runs on Windows, Linux and other operating systems. The GIS software supports a variety of geodata formats and functionalities. QGIS is modular and open.

In combination with additional features from the WIGeo QGIS Plugin and our market data, QGIS provides the basis for your geomarketing and spatial analyses.

Analyse data easily with QGIS, use the plugin for geomarketing
With QGIS you can analyse your data from tables and databases on a digital map. Relationships can thus be grasped at a glance. The example shows postcode areas in Upper Austria. While it is not possible to read out from the table which postcodes are contiguous, you can see this immediately on the map. This facilitates work such as area planning, media planning, etc.

Learn more about WIGeo QGIS. Get in touch!

QGIS in Detail

QGIS is a comprehensive, powerful GIS software. You can view, capture, and edit spatial data. See our overview of WIGeo QGIS features.

If the wide range of functions still does not cover what you are looking for, WIGeoGIS also develops custom extensions for your specific needs. Simplify your work processes!

WIGeo QGIS provides comprehensive GIS and geomarketing features

User-friendly GIS Software

With QGIS you can:

  • Analyze data spatially + display it on digital maps
  • Use a wide selection of symbols
  • Label comprehensively
  • Automate recurring analyses (e.g. location analysis)
  • Enhance presentations + reports
  • and much more ...

Market Data and Geodata

A GIS without data is worthless. With QGIS you can:

  • Integrate different data
  • Visualize and query data 
  • Analyze data
  • Edit, manage, and export data
  • Create map layouts and reports

QGIS supports numerous geodata formats

  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
  • Oracle Spatial database
  • Esri FileGDB
  • Esri Shapefile, MapInfo, GML
  • Approximately 70 raster formats for height models, aerial images and satellite images
  • OGC-compatible: WMS, WMTS, WFS...

WIGeo QGIS Plugin - Even More Geomarketing!

Our customers frequently asked for functions that did not come standard with QGIS, so we programmed them ourselves and put them together in a single plugin that has proven very successful. The functions are typical for Geomarketing and GIS applications in the corporate environment.

We continuously develop our plugin following the official QGIS release cycles!

  • Address search, digital maps and aerial photos (worldwide)
  • Calculate catchment areas
  • Calculate distance matrices
  • Access to the geocoder JoinAddress Web and annual geocoding (5.000 quotas)

Functions for a variety of market analyses:

Address Search

The address search is worldwide. The search result can be stored directly as a point and thus simply reused.

Catchment Area Calculation

Catchment areas are calculated based on the road network. Pedestrian, bicycle, car and truck routing are available. The truck routing takes truck-specific restrictions into account, such as driving bans and the like. You can choose between the fastest or shortest route. You can also choose whether you want to calculate the catchment area in minutes or meters. The QGIS extension presents the catchment areas as donut.

Calculate catchment areas with WIGeo QGIS

WIGeo QGIS calculates catchment areas worldwide based on the road network. You can choose the calculation for pedestrian, car and truck.

Background Maps

Basis and optimal presentation of your analyses. You will receive a large selection of worldwide background maps and aerial photos in various scales.

Calculate Distance Matrices

Distances between points A and B are calculated by listing all possible routes with times and distances (many-to-many scenarios). Optimize your route planning and increase your efficiency and profitability.

Matrix Analysis (also Portfolio Analysis, Boston or BGC Matrix)

In matrix analyses, two or more factors of a question, traditionally performance and potential, are compared, visualized and analyzed in a matrix in such a way that the results can serve as a basis for determining measures and making strategic decisions.

Scoring Analysis

Use scoring to analyze locations r areas to help you make better decisions. On the map, you can immediately see which location is doing the best. Scoring is a combination of your key figures that you define beforehand.

Hotspot Analysis

The hotspot analysis works similarly to the scoring analysis, but you can also weight the parameters. This allows you to run through different scenarios. With this technique for example, marketing or sales measures can be better assessed and planned.

Overlap Analysis

The overlap analysis visualizes the overlaps of the catchment areas of individual locations. This allows you to easily analyze cannibalization effects.

Overlap Analysis Branch Network

Example Overlap Analysis: Branch Network

Here is an image of the catchment areas for different branch locations. You can see at a glance how large the overlaps are.

The overlap values are also given in percent, from which you can also determine the respective potential.

Batch Geocoder for WIGeo QGIS

Geocoding is always included with WIGeo QGIS regardless of whether you choose the basic or standard version. The difference is only in the number of addresses. You access JoinAddress Web, the modern online geocoder from WIGeoGIS. JoinAddress Web provides high-quality geocoding of addresses worldwide that you can also upload from Excel or text files. Geocoding in QGIS is easy, comfortable and accurate.

Custom QGIS Extensions

Missing a feature? WIGeoGIS also develops extensions specifically for your business. Simply contact us!

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QGIS Tutorials on Our Analysis Plugins

WIGeoGIS provides QGIS plugins for the most important types of geomarketing analysis. In the tutorials, we use sample analyses to show you how quickly and easily you can work with our plugins in QGIS. You save time, nerves and costly programming work.

QGIS Plugin for Scoring Analysis: Find Your Potential Hotspots (Tutorial)

Finding areas with high potential is essential for the success of the company and also very easy with our QGIS plugin for the scoring analysis of an area. The tutorial shows you how to do this based on the example of ZIP Code areas and target group data.

Automated Territory Planning Software

Plan areas easily? With the QGIS plugin for area planning

Automatically plan, divide and visually display sales areas. At a Zip Code or municipality level. In every European country. Also for service or regional support.

WIGeo QGIS: The Ideal Building Block for Your Geomarketing Analyses

WebGIS is great for simple, standardized questions. WIGeo QGIS is a customizable, desktop-based GIS software that is suitable for complex questions. We evaluated the GIS software available on the market. QGIS is our first choice for our customers.”

Wolf Graf, Managing Director WIGeoGIS

Installation Assistance and Ongoing Support

With the WIGeo QGIS package, we will assist you with the installation and clean configuration of your workplace. Should questions arise later in the day-to-day operations, our employees are available by phone to advise and assist you when it comes to both technology and methodology.
So you get the latest GIS technology and benefit from the know-how of the global GIS community and the many years of geomarketing know-how of WIGeoGIS.

QGIS Training

Individual Training for GIS Software

WIGeoGIS also offers comprehensive QGIS training courses. The training is individually tailored for you and your needs. The QGIS training courses are held exclusively for your employees so that the software can be used on real examples and applications.

WIGeoGIS has conducted individual system and methods training courses in the GIS and geomarketing fields for over 25 years. The courses provide the participants with the tools and knowledge they need to start working right away geomarketing and GIS.

QGIS Software: Request a FREE Live Demo!

  • FREE Live-Demo* of QGIS Software
  • Non-binding, without further obligations
  • Online presentation via video call

Do you want to know more about QGIS Software? I will be glad to support you.

* Required field - please read our privacy policy

* The products of WIGeoGIS are intended for companies and are not suitable for private use. If you need a one-time market analysis, we will gladly make you a service offer.