AZ Germany Grid
Demographics For Germany
In fixed square grid cells in 6 sizes. Cross-border data available for all countries in the entire DACH region.
Up-to-date Demographics - the AZ Germany Grid
- WIGeoGIS produced this innovative data product for Germany together with AZ Direct GmbH.
- On 6 detailed micro and macrogeografic levels, local and national marketing and sales strategies can be developed, analyzed and evaluated: 100m, 250m, 1.000m, 5.000m, and 10.000m.
- The small cells can always be used to infer the large ones. In this way, consistent analyses can be carried out at different scales. Detailed evaluations can be used for summary analyses on a regional and nationwide level.
- Each size level contains comprehensive market data on the population, purchasing power, consumer behavior and building and vehicle structures drawn from the AZ DIAS market database.
- Annual update
The Advantage of Grid Cells
Municipal and ZIP Code borders are subject to ongoing changes, which make the revision of records necessary. Not so with the grid, which is fixed and never changes. There is no need to revise cell boundaries and long-term market considerations are possible. You can create time series and compare results over any number of years.
What types of analyses is it used for?
The AZ Germany Grid is ideal for all types of geomarketing analyses from market penetration analysis to target group analysis. Due to its fine granularity down to 100 x 100 m grids, even very small-scale analyses such location analyses are possible.
AZ Germany Grid: Number of people, households and buildings, age structure, gender, household type, purchasing power, consumer types, building and vehicle structure
Available Spatial Levels
Square cells in 6 sizes from small to large enough to provide a good overview:
- 100x100 m (average 22 inhabitants)
- 250x250 m (average 67 inhabitants)
- 500x500 m
- 1x1 km
- 5x5 km
- 10x10 km
Our flexible service allows you to only buy the packages you need to answer your questions. We will help you select the package that is right for you.
INSPIRE Conformity
The grid cells of the AZ Grid are INSPIRE compliant, which means that they are suitable for comparative analyses with numerous official data from national and European authorities in accordance with EU regulations.
Starting immediately, the demographics of the AZ Grid is available in both country-specific and cross-border packages for Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The data can be evaluated across countries. Markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are therefore directly comparable with locations in Munich, Vienna and Zurich.
Transparent Sources
The data is based on the Bertelsmann Building File (BGD) with almost all of the 22.5 million inhabited buildings in Germany. In addition to the building data, this database also contains information about people and households.
AZ Germany Grid in Use: Example of Catchment Area and Penetration Analysis
Analyses with grid data from the AZ Germany Grid can be carried out in any GIS tool. In the tutorial, you can see an example of a catchment area and penetration analysis using AZ Germany Grid data in QGIS.
Grid data Germany: Test now free of charge and without obligation!
- Test data* on demographics, purchasing power or other characteristics
- Non-binding, free test
- Test ends automatically without cancellation
- Receive test data* as Excel or shape file
I will gladly support you, also by telephone.
* Information about the free test data: Selected test data for Germany is available for districts in Munich and the surrounding areas. The products of WIGeoGIS are intended for companies and are not suitable for private use. If you need a one-time market analysis, we will gladly make you a service offer.
Does the AZ Germany Grid comply with data protection laws?
Yes. All the market data providers with whom we work are bound by data protection laws (national laws and of course the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR). Market data providers must deliver their data in such a way that no conclusions can be drawn about individual persons.
What is the right spatial level for me?
This depends strongly on the application. If, for instance, you want to analyze an initial rough distribution of your sales potential (e.g. online orders last year in relation to the target group), it is enough to work on a county- or district level. Patterns in the distribution are quickly visible on this rough level. However, if you want to assess the potential of a branch location, you will need to work with very detailed market potential on a grid or street section level.
How does regional market data help with target groups and potential analysis?
Market data can be used to examine the relationship between the regional sales success and the dominant socio-demographic characteristics in the area. If a target group is identified, we can then search for other regions that have a particularly high share of this target group we know generates success.
Test our AZ Germany Grid for free with no obligation!