Market Penetration Strategies
Geomarketing Makes Your Markets Transparent
With penetration analyses using geomarketing software, you can examine your market for untapped potential: internationally, nationally and regionally depending on your needs. Regardless of which industry and which market, with the right WebGIS software you can boost your turnover penetration and lead your company to success.
Market potential can be precisely determined using current market data and geomarketing software. Geomarketing and the associated WebGIS software allow you to calculate your market potential. The results are key figures on new customers, sales and turnover that are comprehensive and based on current data. No matter what industry or what market, with the right WebGIS software you can boost your sales penetration and lead your company to success.
Analyze Your Market Penetration with Geomarketing
You Will Find Answers to Fundamental Business Questions
Geomarketing and GIS help to answer essential questions about customer share and sales penetration. For behind every potential and customer is a real location with an address. The spatial reference is therefore a very important component in the analysis. With geomarketing, it is possible to cleverly analyze different and increasing amounts of data that can then be visualized to provide realistic insights.
Therefore, geomarketing and GIS software are ideal for analyzing your market penetration. Market data is analyzed geographically and displayed on a digital map. The visualization of data using GIS is remarkably intuitive. With a glance at the map, you can see where you have strengths, weaknesses, threats and above all opportunities.

Free initial consultation on market potential analyses with geomarketing. We explain how it works and what you need.
Questions of market penetration analysis which you answer with geomarketing
Geomarketing helps to answer all the questions about the market penetration that make a reference to location, i.e. where?
- Where do I have new customer potential?
- Where do my customers come from, what is their regional distribution?
- Where are my sales higher, where are they lower and where are the white spots?
- Which relationships exist in the strong sales areas?
- To what extend has my customer and sales penetration already been exploited?
- Are sales slumps the result of competitor locations?
Advantages of Penetration Analysis with WebGIS Software
With WebGIS software, data is processed in cartographic form, i.e. analyzed geographically and displayed on a map. The GIS (Geographic Information System) runs in the browser and can therefore be accessed at any time and from different devices (PC, laptop, tablet). In addition, automated reports can be generated with the relevant key figures and analysis results.
Market Analysis with WebGIS can help you:
- recognize spatial patterns,
- identify regional differences,
- exchange information with colleagues and/or departments and
- generate status reports quickly and on short notice.
Video tutorial: Market Penetration Strategies with WebGIS WIGeoWeb
In the video tutorial, our colleague Renate Dumberger shows how market analysis works with WIGeoWeb. She performs a performance and market penetration analysis according to sales territories.
You want to analyze your market penetration rate on interactive maps and get to know the tools?
Calculate Market Penetration
With the combination of your own data and market data, you can calculate market potentials in a WebGIS. Data and statistics form the basis for forecasts and market potential calculations.
Calculate potential sales regionally
Regional market volumes can also be calculated in WebGIS. Necessary data for this are: the total market volume and the regional market potentials. As a result, free potentials become visible on the spatial level, for example, according to postal code areas, sales areas, national, international.
Find Target Groups and New Customers
Penetration analysis helps you find target groups and new customers. Geomarketing offers you several approaches:
- Find areas in which defined target group characteristics occur more frequently.
- Enrich your own customer data with geodata and market data, learn more about your own customers (for example education level, lifestyle, specific purchasing power) and then find areas in which people live who have socio-demographic characteristics and affinities that are similar to your current customers. Advertising your products in these identified areas could be promising.
- Analyze catchment areas. The results of the environmental analysis provide hints for not yet discovered potential demand.
- Identify potential dealer locations and define service areas
GIS-based penetration analyses place your company key figures and your KPIs in a small-scale relationship with demographic and economic data. Your sales and turnover penetration are determined. Geomarketing is perfect for target-performance comparisons, target planning and market or SWOT analyses.
Market Penetration Analyses Work
“Map-based SWOT analyses help make strengths and weaknesses visible and understandable so that you can decide on the best operative measures. Due to our many years of experience, we can say: Geomarketing-supported penetration analyses work! Take advantage of these methods and optimize your sales penetration.”
Georg Magenschab, Managing Director and CTO, WIGeoGIS
Examples of how companies calculate market penetration with geomarketing tools

Case Study WebGIS: This is how CLAAS uses WIGeoWeb
Potential analysis, market analysis and territory management all with one WebGIS! Yes! CLAAS has been using its own WIGeoGIS WebGIS to answer many questions since 2014.

Transparent market reporting for banks with geomarketing
The Unicredit HypoVereinsbank (HVB) uses geomarketing to measure the success and potentials of its branches in Germany.

Case Study STIHL
The manufacturer of chainsaws and tools for the construction industry and gardening and landscape maintenance uses the location analysis software WIGeoLocation for the development of its retail network and advertising material planning.
Penetration Analysis: Request a free initial consultation
- FREE initial consultation on penetration analysis
- Non-binding, without further obligations
- By telephone or video call
Would you like to calculate your market penetration? I will gladly support you. Please contact me!
Which methods of penetration analysis can be used in WebGIS?
In WebGIS, you can use the classic methods of penetration analysis for sales and turnover. These include SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), the determination of market shares, market structures, turnover penetration, etc. The advantage of the spatial analysis by means of WebGIS is that you can visualize your penetration on a small scale on digital maps and see your own strengths and weaknesses at a glance.
How can I analyze the penetration of a market?
As a rule, you have a total market penetration and a market share to be achieved. On the basis of these key figures and your current sales/revenue, you can determine your penetration for each area.
At which spatial levels can I calculate my sales penetration with the WebGIS?
Using a GIS system, you can analyze the penetration of your market at different spatial levels, e.g. for Europe, for the provinces of a country, for counties, districts or even smaller areas.
Is it possible to determine the sales penetration exploitation per sales area?
Yes, because the following key figures are calculated for each sales area: penetration and sales. (The penetration per sales area is calculated on the basis of the total market penetration.) With this information it is possible to determine the extent to which the sales penetration per sales area has been exploited. It is important that this does not happen linearly, but based on the customer potential in the respective sales area, and these can of course vary greatly. When analyzing the calculated key figures, your WebGIS once again provides you with outstanding service.
Which components does a penetration analysis system need?
With the GIS system, e.g. WebGIS, you have the tool to determine the regional penetration from the entire market. The “fuel” you need is the data you feed the system with. This data is on the one hand your company data and on the other hand external market data. Contact me for more information.
Free initial consultation for Penetration Analysis. We will explain how it works and what you will need!