B2B Addresses for Geomarketing
Use company addresses for your analyses
Company Addresses for Geomarketing
Individual addresses are the smallest spatial unit in geomarketing
WIGeoGIS provides the classic range of business addresses, specialized databases for pharmacies, doctors and hospitals, location lists of large chain stores and POIs. The data is provided by experts for B2B addresses from the WIGeoGIS partner network.
Your Advantages and Benefits
- Reliable information on size, sales and the right contact help in the acquisition of new customers, in the analysis of regional market potential and in sales management (sales force effectiveness).
- Valid, well-maintained company addresses for competitors and retailers that draw foot traffic help chain stores to optimize locations and offers.
- Geocoded company addresses enable manufacturers to plan targeted tours.
- B2B new customer potentials objectively show the performance of each sales territory and sales representative.
With company addresses, regional development potentials become clear at a glance.

Business Addresses for Austria
HEROLD Company Data
HEROLD company data provides the very latest information on more than 350,000 companies in over 3,000 branches, perfectly structured for immediate use in geomarketing. With the press of a button, you can view all the companies in any given catchment area and select them by industry, company name and other criteria for use in mailing campaigns or as company density information in location analyses.
Shopping Centers and Retail Parks
The data on shopping centers, retail parks and retail zones include a variety of information in addition to the Austrian retail agglomerations and is the ideal foundation for your location planning, competition analysis and catchment area analysis.
B2B Addresses: Request a free initial consultation
- FREE initial consultation on B2B Addresses
- Non-binding, without further obligations
- By telephone or video call
Are you interested in the advantages of B2B Addresses? I will gladly support you. Please contact me!